The Smoking Shields Cigar Club, Corp. was established in 2015 to address the lack of a fraternal organization of law enforcement professionals who shared their passion of enjoying premium cigars and a desire to help our nation’s heroes.
The Smoking Shields Cigar Club’s purpose is to provide financial assistance to Law Enforcement professionals and our nation’s military and their immediate families nationwide.
One of the charities we are active with is Operation: Cigars for Warriors . This fantastic organization collects cigars from numerous sources and gets them to our nation’s brave men and women fighting on the front lines, protecting our freedoms. To date we have sent over 300 cigars for distribution to our troops.
The Smoking Shields Cigar Club is comprised of all areas of Law Enforcement. Many Federal, State, County, City, Town / Village agencies are represented in the club.
The Smoking Shields Cigar Club (c)(3) non-profit organization.
Interested in joining ? Please visit their website at